The Clavitones are 31 tone per octave keyboards built by Georg Vogel. The keyboard-layout is organised using white and multiple divided accidental keys. The black keyrows are subdivided based on the quarter-comma meantone temperament, meaning equally flattened stacked 3/2-fifths in order to reach the quintal third 5/4 instead of 81/64 until overlapping the sharps and flats via an ut-fa & fa-ut mutating chain of fourths from a## & gbb onwards, which is used in this thirtyone-tone frame as a base of visualisation- with a slight deviation in order to close the chain to a circulating system.
Every tonal element can be named diatonically and can be located within a diatonic neighborhood via solmisation based on interlocked tetrachords forming hexachords as well as beeing used as speciffic intonations via the enharmonic change.
The Claviton keyboard bases on the following 3 steps:
I) Creation of a tone/semitone tonal space using the intervall 3/2
II) Structuring as three overlapping tetrachords TTS (ut-re-mi-fa), TST (re-mi-fa-sol) & STT (mi-fa-sol-la), that form together the hexachord (ut-la) - again overlapping via the ut-fa mutation as a chain of fourths
III)1/4 comma tuning, the intonation of the major third as 5/4 and the equal tempering of the fifths, and the continuation of the ut-fa chain of fourths
The available instruments exist basically in three different editions; sound creation and aplification works electrically, acoustic/electrically or electronically.rds built by Georg Vogel. The keyboard-layout is organised using white and multiple divided accidental keys. The black keyrows are subdivided based on the quarter-comma meantone temperament, meaning equally flattened stacked 3/2-fifths in order to reach the quintal third 5/4 instead of 81/64 until overlapping the sharps and flats via an ut-fa & fa-ut mutating chain of fourths from a## & gbb onwards, which is used in this thirtyone-tone frame as a base of visualisation- with a slight deviation in order to close the chain to a circulating system.
Every tonal element can be named diatonically and can be located within a diatonic neighborhood via solmisation based on interlocked tetrachords forming hexachords as well as beeing used as speciffic intonations via the enharmonic change.
The Claviton keyboard bases on the following 3 steps:
I) Creation of a tone/semitone tonal space using the intervall 3/2
II) Structuring as three overlapping tetrachords TTS (ut-re-mi-fa), TST (re-mi-fa-sol) & STT (mi-fa-sol-la), that form together the hexachord (ut-la) - again overlapping via the ut-fa mutation as a chain of fourths
III)1/4 comma tuning, the intonation of the major third as 5/4 and the equal tempering of the fifths, and the continuation of the ut-fa chain of fourths
The available instruments exist basically in three different editions; sound creation and aplification works electrically, acoustic/electrically or electronically.

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